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Publishing Advice

Part II: The Free Book Model

We’re no longer in the information age, we’re in the relationship age. There is nothing new under the sun—indeed, many of the nonfiction books I write quote Chuang Tzu and St. James for . . .
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Writing With Confidence

Does anybody care? Is this even any good? Why bother, if nobody’s going to read it? What if I never sell this book to a publisher? Read how these questions can be countered with a "draft" mindset.
Publishing Advice

Selling your Services: The Book Give-Away Way

Want to know if publishing your book will land you business? Consider how well-done and targeted books can have an impact on your prospects.
Publishing Advice

Should I Publish in an Anthology?

This blog relates to non-fiction books specifically by coaches, speakers, and expert consultants, and is a continuation of the publishing advice found in the earlier blog, Traditional, Hybrid, or Self-Publishing: Which Model is Best for You?
Publishing Advice

Should Coaches Write a Book?

Do coaches need to author a book to compete in today’s marketplace? In this article we want to make the case for why coaches should consider authoring a book.
Author Exclusives

Contemplative Writing for Beginners

How to start practicing Contemplative Writing as a counter-measure to the automation of AI writing.
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How to Sell Your Books by Hand

With so many people selling books online today, you may think the art of hand-selling is going out of style. Brush up on your hand-selling skills with these awesome tips so you're ready for your next book-selling gig!
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Will AI Take Over Writing? What Does the Future Hold for Writers?

What is the value of writing creatively by hand, unaided by AI? Here are four considerations for authors who may be unsure if or how to use AI in their writing.
Author Exclusives

How do I Write a Book about my Life?

Often we assume writing a book about our lives should be like a news log, but Adam Fleming shares six great tips for telling stories with themes and meanings that will resonate with others and help them process their own experiences.
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How to Write a Query Letter for Novelists

Author and writer's coach Beth Barany shares valuable tips for getting your query letter in the best possible shape to get those requests from literary agents you've been working for.
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How to Start Writing as a Hobby

You want to write for fun, and are not sure anyone would even like your work. Here are sage tips from our lead ghostwriter, Adam G. Fleming.
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How to Start Writing a Christian Book

Things to consider when setting out to write a Christian book: how to find your support team, how your genre impacts your approach, and how to get started.
Publishing Advice

Kickstarter Campaign Tips

Adam introduces Justin Fike, who launched a successful Kickstarter campaign. Find out if a Kickstarter pre-sale is right for your project.
Publishing Advice

How Long Does it Take to Self-publish a Book?

Figuring out how long it will take to self-publish depends on a variety of factors - here are some to consider.
Author Exclusives

How to Make Your Editor Happy: Chicago Style Tips

Tips for novel writers who choose to use Chicago Style that will make an editor happy!
Author Exclusives

How Many Pages Should my First Book Be?

Find out the industry-standard lengths of various genres, and how long your book should be.
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Writing Your Grief

Our guest blogger, Keadren Petrone, gives advice about how to write about grief, from her experience losing her husband in earlier this year.
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Should I Use a Pen Name for my Book?

What you need to ask when considering using a pen name.
Publishing Advice

Should I Finish my Book Before Finding an Agent?

Things to consider when deciding to query with your manuscript.
Author Exclusives

How to Start Writing Again

Help in getting back to writing - from people who've been there.
Publishing Advice

Traditional, Hybrid, and Self-Publishing: Which Model is Best for You?

Great questions and tips to help authors decide whether to self-publish, query, or do a hybrid solution.
Publishing Advice

How to Find and Select a Christian Ghostwriter

Tips for choosing a Christian writer to ghostwrite your story.
Publishing Advice

Finished Writing My Book—Now What?

Here are steps to take once you have finished writing your manuscript.
Reading Recommendations

Top Ten Books to Help You Improve as a Writer

Victory Vision Publishing's list of the top ten books to read if you want to improve your writing.
Publishing Advice

Finding a Great Christian Book Coach

Learn how to find the right coach for your next Christian book project from Victory Vision CEO Adam Fleming.

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